The Fourth Order Effect – Or HOW …..the Next Big Wave of the Net Will Work Out….And WHY

Meeco recently secured additional funding through the Present Group. A private Australian company founded by Brian Grimmer.  This month, I also had the privilege of hosting Brian here in the USA where together we meet with our Foundation Partners and the data sovereignty community.

Throughout our meetings in San Francisco and New York, I was continually inspired by Brian’s ability to articulate why he believes personal sovereignty and identity management is so important……and, in his opinion the next big wave.

He was often asked what motivated his decision to invest in Meeco.  As he shared his perspective many people asked him to document his view of the envolution (the accumulation of functional complexity) of the net. This is the first in a series of posts on what Brian sees as the next ‘big’ thing, and why it motivates him and his team.

In parallel Drummond Reed, Founder of Respect Network shared the Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures video (previous post) with us.  Fred also talks about what he believes to be the emerging trends worthy of investing.  The following quote from the supporting TechCrunch article says it all.

Wilson also thinks fixing data leakage is something worth investing in. When the industrial revolution came along, he said, “we started polluting, but we didn’t do anything about it for a century.  In the information revolution, this pollution is data. It’s the data that eventually leaks out that lets governments and companies like Google spy on us”.

Wilson’s seasoned comments and insight align to the foresight demonstrated by Brian and his team in their support of Meeco, Respect Network and the Next Big Wave.

Huge thanks to Brian and Peter Midgley, CXO of Present Group, for sharing aspects of the Meta Model for Process with us.

Enjoy and happy holidays,


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