
Amazing week in NYC, networking & pitching Meeco.  This was the first billboard I saw stepping out of a cab at our first meeting.

It set the tone for the week and helped position Meeco.  The picture made it easy to start conversations about the importance of owning our data, so we can decide who and how we want to share or exchange it.

There are so many people to thank for all their help and support this week.  However the two standout outs are Enzo Villani, Twitter @vacapital and Ted (TJ) Coburn from Coburn Greenberg Partners

Thank you


Meeco Milestone

We reached another milestone this week by adding a new group to the Meeco closed beta!  We are really excited to be growing the Meeco community, and look forward to the feedback.  If you are interested in being amongst the first Meeco users, visit and register to be invited to the open-beta launch.